Presentations, Talks and Posters

Showing results 21 - 40 out of 145


Schön, S., Kröger, J., Kersten, T., & Breva, Y. (2023). Antennenspezifische Effekte: ein aktueller Überblick. GNSS 2023 - Zeit für ein Update?!, Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.


Baasch, K.-N., & Schön, S. (2022). Simulation of Opportunistic 5G NR Localisation. Fachspezifisches Doktorandenseminar der DGK-Abteilung Ingenieurgeodäsie, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Brekenkamp, M., Kröger, J., & Schön, S. (2022). Einfluss von Phasenzentrumskorrekturen auf die Positionsebene: ein simulativer Ansatz. Frontiers of Geodetic Science, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Kermarrec, G., & Schön, S. (2022). Estimation of the scale lengths of turbulence from GPS single difference phase observations .
Kersten, T., Schön, S., Kröger, J., & Breva, Y. (2022). GNSS Antenna Calibration Values as Bottleneck for Reliable Atmospheric Parameters. Abstract from American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Kersten, T., Dawidowicz, K., Krzan, G., Kröger, J., & Schön, S. (2022). On the design of robust and consistent metrics for the stability of receiver antenna calibration sets. Abstract from International Association of Geodesy Commission 4 Syposium, Potsdam, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Kröger, J., Kersten, T., Breva, Y., Brekenkamp, M., & Schön, S. (2022). Impact of Different Phase Center Correction Values on Geodetic Parameters: A Standardized Simulation Approach. Abstract from European Geosciences Union 2022, Wien, Austria.
Lin, Q., & Schön, S. (Accepted/in press). Feasibility of CSAC-Assisted GNSS Receiver Fingerprinting in Dynamic Environments. In 2nd Symposium of IAG Commission 4 “Positioning and Applications”
Ruwisch, F., Ren, L., Skupin, C., Kersten, T., O´Connor, M. C., Schön, S., & Wübbena, T. (2022). Intelligent Database Architecture for High-Integrity Urban Navigation. Poster session presented at 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2022), Aachen, Germany.


Breva, Y., Kröger, J., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2021). Estimation and Validation of Codephase Center Correction using the Empirical Mode Decomposition. IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
HosseiniArani, S. A., Tennstedt, B., Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Schön, S., & Müller, J. (2021). Kalman-filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Poster session presented at IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
HosseiniArani, S. A., Tennstedt, B., Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Kupriyanov, A., Müller, J., & Schön, S. (2021). Kalman-filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry (CAI) Aaccelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Abstract from Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
Kersten, T., Krzan, G., Dawidowicz, K., & Schön, S. (2021). On the impact of individual PCC errors on regional networks using different processing strategies. IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
Kersten, T., Kröger, J., Breva, Y., & Schön, S. (2021). On the Potential of Image Similarity Metrics for Comparing Phase Center Corrections. IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
Kersten, T., Kröger, J., Breva, Y., & Schön, S. (2021). On the Role of GNSS Receivers for Antenna Patterns and Parameter Estimations. Abstract from vEGU21: Gather Online. Advance online publication.,
Kersten, T., Breva, Y., Kröger, J., & Schön, S. (2021). The receiver antenna as a bottleneck in GNSS - assessing effects on geodetic parameters. Geo-monitoring with low-cost, mass-market, and consumer-grade sensors, Kanpur, India.
Kröger, J., Kersten, T., Breva, Y., & Schön, S. (2021). Impact of Multi-GNSS Antenna-Receiver Calibrations in the Coordinate Domain. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2021.
Ruwisch, F., Ren, L., Skupin, C., Kersten, T., O´Connor, M. C., Schön, S., & Wübbena, T. (2021). Analysis of the Carrier Phase Multipath Error in the Context of Correction Maps for Urban Navigation. Poster session presented at Navigation 2021, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (UK).
Tennstedt, B., Weddig, N., & Schön, S. (2021). A hybrid CAI/IMU solution for higher navigation performance . Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2021.


Breva, Y., Kröger, J., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2020). Codephase center corrections for multi GNSS signals and the impact of misoriented antennas. EGU General Assembly 2020, online.