Showing results 41 - 60 out of 145
Breva, Y., Kröger, J., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2019). Estimation and validation of receiver antenna codephase variations for multi GNSS signals. Poster session presented at Galileo Science Colloquium, Zürich, Switzerland.
Breva, Y., Kröger, J., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2019). Konzept und Analyse von Codephasenvariationen für Multi GNSS Signale: Frontiers of geodetic science 2019; Session 4: Ingenieurgeodäsie und GNSS. Frontiers of Geodetic Science, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Breva, Y., Kröger, J., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2019). Validation of Phase Center Corrections for new GNSS-Signals obtained with absolute antenna calibration in the field. Poster session presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Wien, Austria.
Jain, A., & Schön, S. (2019). Simulation Studies to Evaluate the Impact of Receiver Clock Modelling in Flight Navigation. Poster session presented at Frontiers of Geodetic Science, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Kersten, T., Kröger, J., Breva, Y., & Schön, S. (2019). Consistency and impact of mixed receiver antenna phase centre models in regional GNSS networks. EUREF 2019 Symposium , Tallin, Estonia.
Kersten, T., Kröger, J., Breva, Y., & Schön, S. (2019). Deficiencies of Phase Center Models: assessing the impact on geodetic parameters. Poster session presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Wien, Austria.
Kröger, J., Breva, Y., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2019). Bestimmung und Validierung von Phasenzentrumsvariationen für Multi-GNSS-Signale. Poster session presented at Frontiers of Geodetic Science, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Kröger, J., Breva, Y., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2019). Determination of phase center corrections for Galileo signals. Poster session presented at 7th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, Zürich, Switzerland.
Kröger, J., Breva, Y., Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2019). Phase Center Corrections for new GNSS-Signals. EGU General Assembly 2019, Wien, Austria.
Ren, L., Lück, C., Kermarrec, G., Schön, S., Rietbroek, R., & Kusche, J. (2019). Mitigation of ionospheric effects on Swarm GPS observations and kinematic orbits. Poster session presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Wien, Austria.
Tennstedt, B., & Schön, S. (2019). From Inertial Sensing to Inertial Navigation: A comparison of CAI to conventional INS. Poster session presented at QMSM 2019, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Tennstedt, B., & Schön, S. (2019). Some Practical Considerations of Quantum Inertial Sensors in Navigation. Poster session presented at DPG Fall 2019, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Kersten, T., Ren, L., & Schön, S. (2018). A Virtual Receiver Concept for Continuous GNSS based Navigation of Inland Vessels.
Kersten, T., Ren, L., & Schön, S. (2018). Continuous Navigation of an Inland Vessel with a Synthetic GNSS Antenna.
Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2018). GNSS im urbanen Raum: Grenzen und Chancen der Überwachung erdfallinduzierter Deformationen.
Ren, L., & Schön, S. (2018). Mitigation of ionospheric effects on Swarm GPS observations and kinematic orbits.
Schön, S., Kermarrec, G., & Ren, L. (2018). Ionospheric Filtering: Improving Swarm Orbits and Studying Ionospheric Fluctuations.
Weise, A., Gabriel, G., Kersten, T., Schön, S., Timmen, L., & Vogel, D. (2018). An integrative geodetic-gravimetrical approach to investigate subrosion in the sinkhole area of Hamburg Flottbek – surface deformation and mass redistribution. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Austria.
Aghajani, V., Brakemeier, S., Icking, L. L., Khami, A., Ruwisch, F., Kersten, T., Kube, F., Ren, L., & Schön, S. (2017). Navigation and Position Integrity for Inland Marine Transport Vessels.
Alpers, P., Schön, S., & Wallat, C. (2017). Simulation von Virtuellen Empfängern auf einem Low Earth Orbiter.