Our theoretical applications are validated through special experiments and implemented into an evaluation software developed at the institute. The focus of our work is on three main subjects.
GNSS Navigation
- Precise Clock Modelling and Analysis of high precise external Oscillators on the GNSS Processing Chain
- Virtual receiver for navigation approaches (inland vessels, airplane, LEO formation flights)
- Alternative approaches for Integrity using interval mathematics
- Navigation und positioning in difficult environments
- Use of alternative platforms (e.g. smartphones, KATE)
GNSS Monitoring and Kinematic Orbit Determination
- Geomonitoring (in cooperation with Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics - LIAG)
- Optimized GPS data analysis for the Swarm mission
- Theory of GNSS signal turbulence
- Optimized GPS data analysis for SWARM mission
Inertial Navigation, Filtering and Transient Processes
- Quantum sensors for inertial navigation
- Development of filter models
- Transient processes and turbulences in the atmosphere
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Schön
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover