Koch I., Duwe M., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GRACE-FO processing at IfE/LUH,
COST-G Team Meeting, Presentation, 11.-15. January, Viritual
Duwe M., Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
Processing of GRACE FO satellite to satellite tracking data using the GRACE SIGMA software,
GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, Presentation, October 26.-29., Virtual
Koch I., Duwe M., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
Processing of GRACE-FO satellite-to-satellite tracking data using the GRACE-SIGMA software,
EGU General Assembly, May 4.-8., Vienna, Austria
Koch I., Flury J., Duwe M., Shabanloui A.
GRACE and GRACE-FO processing at IfE/LUH,
COST-G Team Meeting 2020, January 13.-15., Presentation, ISSI Bern, Switzerland
Koch I., Flury J., Duwe M., Shabanloui A.
GRACE and GRACE-FO processing at IfE/LUH,
COST-G China-EU Meeting, January 16.-17., Presentation, Bern, Switzerland
Flury J., Svitlov S., Shabanloui A., Koch I.
Investigating sensor data on geodetic satellite missions: recent findings and progress,
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milano, Italy
Koch I., Flury J., Naemi M., Shabanloui A.
LUH-GRACE2018: a new time series of monthly gravity field solutions from GRACE,
27th IUGG General Assembly, July 8.-18., Presentation, Montreal, Canada
Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GFR processing standards at IfE,
First COST-G International Team Meeting (ISSI), January 14-18, Bern, Switzerland
More info
Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GRACE and GRACE-FO monthly gravity field solutions using IfE’s GRACE-SIGMA software,
GRACE & GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting October 8.-10., Presentation, Pasadena, CA, USA
Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GRACE-FO monthly solutions using the GRACE-SIGMA software,
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, December 9.-13., Poster, San Francisco, CA, USA
Koch I., Shabanloui A., Flury J.
Impact of accelerometer parametrizations on GRACE post-fit residuals,
EGU General Assembly 2019, April 7.-12., Vienna, Austria
Koch I., Naeimi M., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
LUH-GRACE2018: a new time series of monthly gravity field solutions from GRACE,
Poster, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2018 Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam – Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, October 9-11, Potsdam, Germany
More info
Koch I., Shabanloui A., Flury J., Müller J.
GNSS-based calibration of GRACE accelerometers,
IAG-IASPEI, July 30th - August 4th, Kobe, Japan
Breva, Y., Klasen, F., Knabe, A., Krishnamurthy, K., Kröger, J., Schumann, R., Flury, J., Shabanloui, A., Naeimi, M., Wallat, C.
Bestimmung eines Erdschwerefeldes mit High-Low Satellite-to-Satellite-Tracking,
Poster, Geodätische Woche, 11.-13.10.2016, Hamburg
Douch, K., Müller, J., Brieden, P., Shabanloui, A.
Study of an optical gradiometer for future satellite gravitational missions,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 17.09.2015.
Koch I., Alpers P., Bashi M., Flury J., Kröhnert D., Naeimi M., Schilling M., Shabanloui A.
Präzise Satellitenbahnmodellierung am
Beispiel der neuen SWARM-Mission,
Geodätische Woche 2015, 15.-17. September, Stuttgart, Deutschland
Shabanloui, A., Müller, J.
How reliable is the mass variation in the Siberian permafrost region as observed by GRACE mission?,
Geo-Quebec 2015, Challenges from North to South, 20.09.-23.09.2015, Quebec City, Canada.
Shabanloui, A., Müller, J.
Assimilation of GRACE, satellite altimetry and hydrological data for determining mass variations in the Siberian permafrost region.,
GRACE Science Team Meeting, Potsdami, Germany, 29.09.-2.10.2014.
Shabanloui, A., Müller, J.
Constraining mass variations in the Siberian permafrost region based on GRACE & Satellite Altimetry.,
Geodätische Woche, Berlin, Germany, 7.10-9.10.2014.
Shabanloui, A., Müller, J.
Mass variations in the Siberian permafrost region based on new GRACE results & auxiliary modeling.,
3rd International gravity field Service (IGFS) Meeting, Shanghai, China, 30.6.-4.7.2014.
Shabanloui, A., Müller. J.
Performance of different filters for determining temporal mass variations from GRACE in the Siberian permafrost region.,
European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 27.04.-02.05.2014.