Institute of Geodesy Research Research Projects
Swarm ESL/DISC: Support to accelerometer data analysis and processing

Swarm ESL/DISC: Support to accelerometer data analysis and processing

Led by:  Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jakob Flury
Team:  Dr.-Ing. Sergiy Svitlov, Dr.-Ing. Akbar Shabanloui
Year:  2016
Funding:  ESA (DTU Space)
Duration:  2016-2020
Is Finished:  yes
© IfE / S. Svitlov
© IfE / S. Svitlov

The Level 1B Swarm accelerometer data (ACCxPR_1B) are not distributed to the regular users as they are heavily perturbed by variety of disturbances. The main problems are highly intensive steps and spikes, and also strong dependency on temperature variations. To enhance the scientific return of the Swarm satellite mission, the international consortium Swarm DISC (Data, Innovation and Science Cluster) was established with a project office at DTU Space – Denmark’s National Space Institute. As one of the expert DISC partners, IfE develops own software tools and maintains operational data processing, so that the Level 2 accelerometer data are available for all Swarm data users.

FTP-Access to published data

  1. Calibrated Accelerometer data
  2. Validation reports
  3. Service