Institute of Geodesy Research Research Projects
Accurate prediction of GNSS antenna performance in automotive scenarios - Accurauto

Accurate prediction of GNSS antenna performance in automotive scenarios - Accurauto

Led by:  Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Schön
Team:  Johannes Kröger, M.Sc.
Year:  2024
Funding:  Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), grant number: 19F1189B
© Geo++ GmbH, 2024
GNSS antenna calibration of car navigation antennas to optimise vehicle navigation

Objectives of the programme

The aim of "Accurauto" is to predict the performance of GNSS vehicle antennas. For the first time, a combination of real antenna measurements and a simulation is being used for this purpose. The advantage of real measurements is that the error can be determined directly. However, these measurements are time-consuming and cost-intensive. Simulations, on the other hand, can be performed quickly and cost-effectively, but they only approximate the reality. The combination of these methods promises to utilise the advantages of both methods - accuracy and scalability.

In this project, a vehicle will be measured and simulated as an example. The antenna errors determined will be compared and combined into a joint calibration. At the end of the project, test drives will be carried out to demonstrate the improvements resulting from the calibrations.


In the project, a vehicle is measured and simulated as an example. The antenna errors determined are compared and combined into a joint calibration. At the end of the project, test drives will be carried out to demonstrate the improvements resulting from the calibrations.



Funding partner

Geo++ GmbH, Garbsen

FKZ: 19F1189A

Project volume


(with 77% funding by BMDV)

Project partner

Institut für Erdmessung, Leibniz Universität Hannover

FKZ: 19F1189B

Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation, deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Wessling

FKZ: 19F1189C


Geo++ GmbH
Dr. Jannes Wübbena
Tel.: +49 (0) 5131 4689 0

Additional information

Related and more information it to find here on the websites of BMDV.