HosseiniArani A., Tennstedt B., Schilling M., Knabe A., Beaufils Q., Romeshkani M., Wu H., Kupriyanov A., Pereira Dos Santos F., Schön S, Müller J.
Improved Modeling for Hybrid Accelerometers Onboard Future Satellite Gravity Missions,
COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-24 July 2022, Athens, Greece
Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Müller J.; Müller V., Schilling M.
Project B01: New Measurement Concepts with Laser Interferometers,
TerraQ General Assembly, Jun. 1–2, Hannover, Germany
Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller J.
Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field Missions,
44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Abstract H0.5-0014-22, Athens, Greece
Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J.
Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field Missions,
EGU General Assembly, May 23–27, Vienna, Austria
Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J.
Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field Missions,
Quantum sensors and tests of new physics (QSNP) conference, Oct. 5-7, poster, Hannover, Germany
Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J.
Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field Missions,
INTERGEO (Frontiers of Geodetic Science), Oct. 18-20, Essen, Germany
Kupriyanov A., Reis, A., Leipner A., Huckfeldt M., Ebadi S., Öhlinger F., Müller J., Müller V., Schilling M., List M., Rievers B., Weigelt M., Mayer-Gürr T.
GRACE-FO & NGGMs (TerraQ B01, B02, C04),
Quantum Frontiers Day, Jun. 24th, Hannover, Germany
Reis A., Kupriyanov A., Müller V.
A Tool for Accelerometer Modeling,
EGU General Assembly, May 23–27, Vienna, Austria
Reis A., Kupriyanov A., Müller V.
A Framework for Modelling and Simulating Accelerometers,
44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Athens, Greece