GNSS and Inertial Navigation
Development of a compact experimental platform of a gyro-stabilized quantum navigation sensor (QGyroPlus)The aim of the project is to develop a unique six-axis quantum inertial navigation sensor that enables drift-free and high-precision navigation for the first time. This pioneering technology will be tested as a compact experimental platform during the course of the project and could open the door to completely new areas of application in autonomous navigation.Led by: Prof. Dr. Steffen SchönTeam:Year: 2023Funding: Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Affairs (BMWK / DLR), grant number: 50NA2106
Gewinn eines grundlegenden Verständnisses der Mehrwege - Antennen - Empfänger - Interaktionen zur Standardisierung der Kalibrierung von Codephasenvariationen von GNSS-EmpfangsantennenLed by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Schön, Dr.-Ing. Tobias KerstenTeam:Year: 2022Funding: DFG, Project number: 470510446
Antenna Calibration
Gewinn eines grundlegenden Verständnisses der Mehrwege - Antennen - Empfänger - Interaktionen zur Standardisierung der Kalibrierung von Codephasenvariationen von GNSS-EmpfangsantennenLed by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Schön, Dr.-Ing. Tobias KerstenTeam:Year: 2022Funding: DFG, Project number: 470510446