GNSS and Inertial Navigation
Modelling Quantum Sensors in a Realistic Navigation System Context – SimulaQrUmPositioning, navigation and timing are crucial for modern systems in transportation, agriculture and aerospace, but conventional GNSS signals often reach their limits, for example in cities or underwater. This project, together with partners such as the Institute of Quantum Optics (IQO) and Airbus Defense and Space, is developing a new simulation tool to make navigation solutions more reliable and stable by combining quantum sensors and inertial sensors.Led by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen SchönTeam:Year: 2024Funding: European Space Agency (ESA), Förderkennzeichen: NAVISP-EL1-089
Development of a compact experimental platform of a gyro-stabilized quantum navigation sensor (QGyroPlus)The aim of the project is to develop a unique six-axis quantum inertial navigation sensor that enables drift-free and high-precision navigation for the first time. This pioneering technology will be tested as a compact experimental platform during the course of the project and could open the door to completely new areas of application in autonomous navigation.Led by: Prof. Dr. Steffen SchönTeam:Year: 2023Funding: Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Affairs (BMWK / DLR), grant number: 50NA2106