Combined recovery of accelerometer parameters, spacecraft orbit, and Mercury gravity field for the BepiColombo mission

authored by
Alireza Hosseiniarani, Stefano Bertone, Daniel Arnold, William Desprats, Roberto Peron, Adrian Jäggi, Nicolas Thomas

Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), one of the two spacecraft of the European Space Agency's (ESA) BepiColombo mission, is on its way to planet Mercury. The Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA) is one of the instruments on-board MPO. Together with the Mercury orbiter Radio-Science Experiment (MORE), ISA will support the recovery of MPO's orbit, of Mercury's gravity field, and hence enhance our ability to study the planet's interior structure. However, the ISA accelerometer is a relative instrument. Therefore, its measurements are intrinsically affected by biases which, if not solved for, might pose challenges and introduce errors in the measurement of MPO's orbit and of the planet gravity field. The goal of this work is to study MPO's orbit determination (OD) and gravimetry experiment and to determine the impact of accelerometer biases on the recovered orbit and gravity field. We propose an OD strategy focused on minimizing such impact. The OD and the recovery of the gravity field are performed in a "closed-loop simulation" within the Bernese software (BSW). We propagate the orbit of MPO using a realistic force model, including gravitational and non-gravitational forces. We use the MESSENGER-derived gravity field solution HGM005 (up to degree/order 50) as ground-truth to simulate Doppler and accelerometer data, then we degrade it to mimic the limited knowledge available ahead of orbit reconstruction. We estimate gravity field, orbit and accelerometer parameters based on a simulated dataset including: Doppler data affected by noise, a perturbed initial state for each arc, and simulated accelerometer measurements (i.e., derived by non-gravitational forces used in the simulation, but affected by accelerometer noise and biases). We show how the expected uncertainties and biases in ISA data would degrade Doppler-based orbit and gravity field recovery, if not properly estimated. We thus recover accelerometer biases by using longer, 15 days arcs (to avoid over-parametrizing our solution) based on previous evidence that they should be stable over such a time span. We then perform a combined recovery of orbit, accelerometer parameters, and Mercury gravitational field. We discuss the challenges posed by several potential approaches and the expected accuracy of their solutions. We also analyze correlations between the recovered gravity field and accelerometer bias parameters, and how the recovery of accelerometer biases depends on the length of our long-arc solutions....

Institute of Geodesy
QUEST-Leibniz Research School
Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools
Institute of Theoretical Physics
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