Ray-Tracing Approach versus Double Difference, Multipath Characterization in a Multiple Ray Scenario

authored by
Marios Smyrnaios, Steffen Schon, Marcos Liso Nicolas, Thomas Kurner

Multipath propagation has a major contribution in the degradation of the achieved positioning accuracy. In high precision applications, where mm accuracy is crucial, multipath caused errors dominate the total error budget. In this investigation, in a first step, we use the results of a ray-tracing approach in order to characterize the influence of multiple-multipath propagation. The characteristics of the propagation channel, which are estimated by the ray-tracing tool, are used as input for the investigation of the impact of multipath propagation on GNSS observables. In a second step, a closer look on GNSS signal amplitudes will be presented. The model presented in this paper is adopted from wireless network simulations and the signal amplitude of each signal component involved is estimated for each epoch separately based on the geometry and the receiving antenna pattern. The model is validated with a simple geometry controlled experiment.

Institute of Geodesy
External Organisation(s)
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Conference contribution
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Signal Processing
Electronic version(s)
https://doi.org/10.1109/NAVITEC.2012.6423089 (Access: Unknown)

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