Laufende Forschungsprojekte
Neue Messmethoden mit Laser Interferometern (SFB 1464, B01)Wir untersuchen eine neue Art von optischen Akzelerometern (ACC), entwickeln Laser Interferometer zur Abstandsmessung (Laser Ranging Interferometer, LRI) konzeptionell weiter um neue gravimetrische Satellitenkonstellationen zu ermöglichen und wir studieren die Winkelgeschwindigkeiten der Satelliten-Verbindungsachse, um daraus Erdschwerefeldinformationen zu gewinnen.Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Müller, Dr. Vitali MüllerTeam:Jahr: 2021Förderung: DFGLaufzeit: 2021-2024
Hybridization of Classic and Quantum Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity MissionsUsing cold atom interferometry (CAI) accelerometers in the next generation of satellite gravimetry missions can provide long-term stability and precise measurements of the non-gravitational forces acting on the satellites. This allows for a reduction of systematic effects in current GRACE-FO gravity field solutions. In this project, we first aim to investigate the hybridization of quantum CAI-based and classical accelerometers for a GRACE-like mission and we discusse the performance improvement through dedicated simulations. Then we investigate different orbital configurations and mission concepts to find the optimal setting for future satellite gravimetry missions.Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. MüllerTeam:Jahr: 2020
3D Earth – A Dynamic Living PlanetThe goal of 3D-Earth is to establish a global 3D reference model of the crust and upper mantle based on the analysis of satellite gravity e.g. GOCE and (electro-)magnetic missions e.g. Swarm in combination with seismological models and analyse the feedback between processes in Earth’s deep mantle and the lithosphere. Selected case examples will provide the possibility to test these approaches on a global and regional scale. This will result in a framework for consistent models that will be used to link the crust and upper mantle to the dynamic mantle.Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jakob FluryTeam:Jahr: 2017Förderung: ESALaufzeit: 2017-2019
Earth System Mass Transport Mission (e.motion)Leitung: Jakob FluryJahr: 2013