Koch I., Duwe M., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GRACE-FO processing at IfE/LUH,
COST-G Team Meeting, Presentation, 11.-15. January, Viritual
Meyer U., Lasser M., Jäggi A., Flechtner F., Dahle C., Boergens E., Förste C., Mayer-Gürr T., Kvas A., Behzadpour S., Lemoine J.-M., Bourgogne S., Koch I., Flury J., Groh A., Eicker A., Meyssignac B., Sasgen I., De Teixeira da Encarnação, J.
Consolidated and validated monthly gravity field combinations of the GRACE, Swarm and GRACE-FO satellite missions,
First Workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on "Geodesy for Climate Research" (ICCC) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), 29.-31. March, Virtual
Weitere Informationen
Meyer U., Lasser M., Jäggi A., Flechtner F., Dahle C., Boergens E., Förste C., Mayer-Gürr T., Kvas A., Behzadpour S., Lemoine J.-M., Bourgogne S., Koch I., Flury J., Groh A., Eicker A., Meyssignac B., Zhou H., Yan Z., Chen Q., Guo X., Wang C., Feng W.
Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields: operational GRACE-FO combination and validation of Chinese GRACE time-series,
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2416
Weitere Informationen
Meyer, U., Peter H., De Teixeira da Encarnação J., Lasser M., Jäggi A., Flechtner F., Dahle C., Boergens E., Förste C., Mayer-Gürr T., Kvas A., Behzadpour S., Lemoine J.-M., Bourgogne S., Koch I., Flury J., Groh A., Eicker A., Meyssignac B., Zhou H., Yan Z., Chen Q., Guo X., Wang C., Feng W.
Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields (COST-G): operations and new developments,
IAG Scientific Assembly 2021, 28. June - 02. July, Beijing/Virtual
Weitere Informationen
Duwe M., Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
Processing of GRACE FO satellite to satellite tracking data using the GRACE SIGMA software,
GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, Presentation, October 26.-29., Virtual
Koch I., Duwe M., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
Processing of GRACE-FO satellite-to-satellite tracking data using the GRACE-SIGMA software,
EGU General Assembly, May 4.-8., Vienna, Austria
Koch I., Flury J., Duwe M., Shabanloui A.
GRACE and GRACE-FO processing at IfE/LUH,
COST-G Team Meeting 2020, January 13.-15., Presentation, ISSI Bern, Switzerland
Koch I., Flury J., Duwe M., Shabanloui A.
GRACE and GRACE-FO processing at IfE/LUH,
COST-G China-EU Meeting, January 16.-17., Presentation, Bern, Switzerland
Lasser M., Mayer-Gürr T., Kvas A., Koch I., Lemoine J.-M., Neumayer K.H., Dahle C., Flechtner F., Flury J., Meyer U., Jäggi A.
Benchmark data for verifying background model implementations in orbit and gravity field determination software,
EGU General Assembly, May 4.-8. May, Vienna, Austria
Flury J., Svitlov S., Shabanloui A., Koch I.
Investigating sensor data on geodetic satellite missions: recent findings and progress,
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milano, Italy
Koch I., Flury J., Naemi M., Shabanloui A.
LUH-GRACE2018: a new time series of monthly gravity field solutions from GRACE,
27th IUGG General Assembly, July 8.-18., Presentation, Montreal, Canada
Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GFR processing standards at IfE,
First COST-G International Team Meeting (ISSI), January 14-18, Bern, Switzerland
Weitere Informationen
Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GRACE and GRACE-FO monthly gravity field solutions using IfE’s GRACE-SIGMA software,
GRACE & GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting October 8.-10., Presentation, Pasadena, CA, USA
Koch I., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
GRACE-FO monthly solutions using the GRACE-SIGMA software,
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, December 9.-13., Poster, San Francisco, CA, USA
Koch I., Shabanloui A., Flury J.
Impact of accelerometer parametrizations on GRACE post-fit residuals,
EGU General Assembly 2019, April 7.-12., Vienna, Austria
Flury Jakob
Perspectives for relativistic potential and height reference,
EGU Wien
Koch I., Naeimi M., Flury J.
LUH-GRACE2018: eine neue Zeitreihe monatlicher GRACE-Lösungen,
Poster, Geodätische Woche 2018, Oktober 16-18, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Koch I., Naeimi M., Flury J., Shabanloui A.
LUH-GRACE2018: a new time series of monthly gravity field solutions from GRACE,
Poster, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2018 Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam – Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, October 9-11, Potsdam, Germany
Weitere Informationen
Koch I., Naeimi M., Khami A. and Flury J.
Assessment of force models in the context of gravity field recovery at IfE,
EGU 2018, 8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
Weitere Informationen
Naeimi M., Koch I., Khami A. and Flury J.
IfE monthly gravity field solutions using the variational equations,
Presentation, EGU 2018, 8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
Weitere Informationen
Koch I., Shabanloui A., Flury J., Müller J.
GNSS-based calibration of GRACE accelerometers,
IAG-IASPEI, July 30th - August 4th, Kobe, Japan
Breva, Y., Klasen, F., Knabe, A., Krishnamurthy, K., Kröger, J., Schumann, R., Flury, J., Shabanloui, A., Naeimi, M., Wallat, C.
Bestimmung eines Erdschwerefeldes mit High-Low Satellite-to-Satellite-Tracking,
Poster, Geodätische Woche, 11.-13.10.2016, Hamburg
Goswami, S., Flury, J.
Detecting the signatures of sensor-errors in
GRACE range-rate residuals,
oral presentation, GRACE Science Team Meeting, Potsdam, Germany, 5-7 Oct.
Goswami, S., Flury, J.
Detecting the signatures of sensor-errors in
GRACE range-rate residuals, poster presentation,
AGU, San Francisco, US, 12-16 Dec. 2016
M. Naeimi and J. Flury
A new approach to the regularization of regional gravity field in SRBF,
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016
Weitere Informationen
Majid Naeimi, Neda Darbeheshti, Martin Hewitson, Jakob Flury, Henry Wegener, Vitali Müller, Sujata Goswami and Balaji Devaraju
Introducing data analysis challenges for GRACE and GRACE Follow-on,
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016. San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016
Weitere Informationen
Müller, J., Flury, J.
New concepts for Earth observation based on quantum optics and relativity,
GGHS Meeting, Thessaloniki, 20. September 2016
Neda Darbeheshti, Majid Naeimi, Martin Hewitson, Gerhard Heinzel, and Jakob Flury
Introducing GRACE Follow-On mock data challenge project,
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016
Weitere Informationen
Neda Darbeheshti, Vitali Müller, Henry Wegner, Martin Hewitson, Gerhard Heinzel, Majid Naeimi and Jakob Flury
Instrument Noise Simulation for GRACE Follow-On,
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016. San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016
Weitere Informationen
Bandikova T, Flury J
Attitude determination and its impact on the current and the future inter-satellite ranging missions,
26th IUGG General Assembly, Prag, 26.6.2015, Vortrag
Burla S., Apelbaum G., Flury J.
GPS aided Accelerometer data for SWARM,
26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), June 22nd - July 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic
Goswami S, Klinger B, Mayer-Gürr T, Bandikova T, Flury J, Naeimi M
Analysis of GRACE range-rate residuals with emphasis on reprocessed star camera datasets,
AGU Fall Meeting, Dezember 14-18, 2015, San Francisco
Koch I., Alpers P., Bashi M., Flury J., Kröhnert D., Naeimi M., Schilling M., Shabanloui A.
Präzise Satellitenbahnmodellierung am
Beispiel der neuen SWARM-Mission,
Geodätische Woche 2015, 15.-17. September, Stuttgart, Deutschland
Bandikova T, Meyer U, Klinger B, Tregoning P, Flury J, Mayer-Gürr T
Improved star camera attitude data and their effect on the gravity field,
GRACE Science Team Meeting, Sep 29th-Oct 1st, 2014, Potsdam.
Müller, J., Flury, J., Schön, S.
Exploiting SWARM sensor data for non-standard effects,
Swarm Workshop, Potsdam.
Müller, J., Flury, J., Schön, S.
Exploiting SWARM sensor data for non-standard effects.,
Swarm Workshop, Potsdam 3./4.7.2014.
Naeimi, M. and Flury, J.
Contribution of the GOCE gradiometer components to regionally-derived gravity field solutions,
5th international GOCE user workshop, Paris, France, 25-28 November 2014
Naeimi, M., Brieden, P., Flury, J., Müller, J.
NGGM-D Team: Simulation der Beobachtungen – AP 530 Simulation of colored noise datasets,
Abschlusspräsentation des Projektes „Next generation satellite gravimetry mission study NGGM-D“, DLR Bonn, 10.07.2014.
Naeimi, M., Flury, J and Brieden, P.
Regularization of regional gravity fields from GOCE data,
AGU Fall meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, USA.
Naeimi, M.; Goebel, G.; Schmidt, M.; Bentel, K.; Gerlach, C.; Flury, J.; Müller, J.;
Naeimi, M.; Flury, J.; Müller, J. (2011): Numerical Aspects of Regional Gravity Field Modeling,
Poster, IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
Bandikova T, Weigelt M, van Dam T, Flury J
Derivation of angular velocities of the GRACE satellite formation from the star camera data,
VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Rome, June 17-21, 2013. Vortrag.
Flury, J.
Die Vermessung des Gravitationsfeldes der Erde mit den Satellitenmissionen GRACE und GRACE Follow On,
Physik-Kolloquium Universität Bremen 17.1.2013
Naeimi, M and Flury, J.
Signal-adaptive regularization for regional gravity field modeling,
VIII Hotine-Marusse Symposium Rome, Italy, June 17-21, 2013
Naeimi, M and Flury, J.
Gravity field determination: the global modeling vs. regional solutions,
Int. Association of geodesy, IAG 150 Years, Potsdam, Germany, September 1-6, 2013
Robertson R, Flury J, Bandikova T, Schilling M
Highly Physical Penumbra Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE and GOCE
and Comparisons to Accelerometer Data,
AGU Fall Meeting, Dezember 9-13, 2013, San Francisco. Poster.
Bandikova T., Flury J., Ko U-D., Naeimi M.
Improvements in the knowledge of the GRACE inter-satellite pointing,
GRACE Science team meeting, 17.-19. Sep 2012, Potsdam
Flury J., Bandikova T., Matschke J., Apelbaum G., Peterseim N., Schlicht A.
Unexpected signals on GRACE from platform and environmental processes,
EGU General Assembly, 23.-27. Apr 2012, Wien
Flury, J.
Gravitation und Massenänderungen im Erdsystem: Perspektiven neuer Sensorik am Boden und im Weltraum,
Flury, J.
Von Polareis, Erdbeben und Gravitation Die Vermessung der sich verändernden Erde,
Saturday Morning Lecture Hannover 7.Jul.2012
Flury, J.
Massenvariationen im System Erde aus Gravitationsfeldmessungen mit GRACE und GRACE Follow-On,
Meteorologie-Kolloquium Leibniz Universität
Flury, J.
Satellite Gravimetry with GRACE and GRACE-Follow On,
iSense Workshop Hannover 9.Jun.2012
Flury, J.
geo-Q: Relativistic Geodesy and Gravimetry with Quantum Sensors,
DFG Round Table Hydrology and Geodesy 15.Nov.2012
Robertson R., Flury J., Schilling M., Bandikova T.
Precise solar radiation pressure modeling for GRACE with atmospheric refraction and absorption,
AGU Fall meeting, 3.-7. Dec 2012, San Francisco, USA
Bandikova, T., Flury, J.
Typical features of the GRACE inter-satellite pointing related to AOCS characteristics,
Geodätische Woche, 27.-29.9.2011, Nürnberg
Bandikova, T., Flury, J.
More results on GRACE inter-satellite pointing systematic features,
AGU Fall Meeting, 5.-.9.12.2011, San Francisco, CA
Brieden, P., Sheard, B.; Müller, J.; Heinzel, G.; Flury, J
Calibration/Validation concepts for future SST mission scenarios.,
Statusseminar Geotechnologien "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", Stuttgart, 11.10.2011, (Poster).
| Datei |
Flury, J.
New signals and new accuracy levels in satellite gravimetry,
Universität Bern, 24. Mai 2011
Flury, J.
New results on GRACE accelerometry,
Astrium Friedrichshafen, 28.Jun.2011
Flury, J.
New signals and new accuracy levels in gravity field determination,
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam 25.Oct.2011
Flury, J.
Unexpected signals and errors in the GRACE observations (invited talk),
AGU Fall Meeting
Flury, J., Bandikova, T., Robertson, R., Peterseim, N., Schlicht, A., Schilling, M.
GRACE as geodetic precision space laboratory,
Poster, EGU General Assembly, 3.-8. April 2011, Wien
Flury, J., Heinzel, G.
Precision laser interferometry to measure the Earth’s gravity field,
QUEST colloquium, 16. June 2011
Flury, J., Peterseim, N., Schlicht, A., Apelbaum, G., Pant, A., Bandikova, T, Sheard, B.
Unexpected signals and errors in GRACE observations.,
Vortrag. AGU Fall Meeting, 5.-9.12. 2011, San Francisco CA.
Naeimi, M., Flury, J., Müller, J.
Poster, Regional modeling of GRACE SST data in Scandinavia.,
IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
Naeimi, M., Goebel, G., Schmidt, M. Bentel, K. Gerlach, C. Flury, J. and Müller, J.
Numerical Aspects of Regional Gravity Field Modeling,
IUGG, Melbourne, Australia. Earth on the edge: science for a sustainable planet
28 June – 7 July 2011
Naeimi, M., Goebel, G., Schmidt, M., Bentel, K., Gerlach, C., Flury, J., Müller, J.
Numerical Aspects of Regional Gravity Field Modeling.,
Poster. IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
Naeimi, M.; Flury, J.; Müller, J.
Regional modeling of GRACE SST data in Scandinavia,
Poster, IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
Bandikova T., Flury J.
Inter-satellite pointing variations as an error source for GRACE scientific results,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche, 5.-7.October 2010, Köln
Bandikova, T., Flury, J., Ko, U.-D.
Impact of spacecraft attitude variations on the GRACE scientific results,
Poster, EGU General Assembly, 2.-7. Mai 2010, Wien
Bandikova, T., Flury, J., Ko, U.-D.
Analysis of systematic effects in GRACE inter-satellite pointing,
Poster, GRACE Science Team Meeting, 11.-12. November 2010, Potsdam
Flury, J
Gravity Field Observation with New Technologies Revealing Earth System Dynamics,
PTB Kolloquium Optik, Braunschweig, 14.6.2010
Flury, J.
Polareis, Schwarze Löcher und Gravitationswellen - Hochpräzise Längenmessungen mit Laserinterferometern auf der Erde und im All,
Vortrag, November der Wissenschaften 2010, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 19.11.2010
Flury, J., Aufmuth, P.
Polareis, Schwarze Löcher und Gravitationswellen - Hochpräzise Längenmessungen mit Laserinterferometern auf der Erde und im All,
November der Wissenschaften 19.Nov.2010
Naeimi, M., Flury, J. Mueller, J. and ...
Comparing Different Approaches for Processing GRACE Level-1 Data,
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010. Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010
Robertson, R., Flury, J., Bandikova, T.
Precise solar radiation pressure modeling for GRACE with atmospheric refraction,
Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, 13.-17. Dezember 2010, San Francisco
Flury, J.
More results on high-resolution analysis of GRACE sensor data,
GRACE Science Team Meeting, Austin, Texas, 5.-6.Nov.2009
Flury, J.
Precise Earth Gravity Field Determination with Satellite and Terrestrial Methods.,
Vortrag, QUEST Symposium 25.6.2009
Flury, J.
Ice Mass Balance from CryoSat2 andd GRACE,
Vortrag, CryoSat2 User Workshop Bremerhaven, 7.9.2009
Flury, J.
Perspektiven der Schwerefeldbestimmung in QUEST,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche in Karlsruhe, 22.9.2009
Flury, J.
Earth Gravity Field Satellite Missions: Science Achievements and Technological Challenges,
Vortrag, Symposium From Quantum to Cosmos 4, Bremen, 21.-24.9.2009
Flury, J.
Satellite-Induced Pseudo-Noise and Other Lessons From GRACE.,
Vortrag, workshop Satellite Dynamics, ZARM Bremen 18.6.2009
Flury, J.
Earth Gravity field Satellite Missions as Precision Measurement Laboratories.,
Vortrag, im Seminar des Albert-Einstein-Instituts hannover 30.04.2009
Flury, J., Bandikova, T., Peterseim, N.
Precision modeling of GRACE geodetic satellite observations,
Poster, Special Seminar QUEST@PTB, 16.September 2009, Braunschweig
Flury, J., Bandikova, T., Peterseim, N.
More results on high-resolution anaylsis of GRACE sensor data,
Poster, GRACE Science Team meeting, 5.-6. November 2009, Austin, TX
Flury, J., Rummel, R., Sneeuw, N.
Time Periods, Spatal Resolution and Accuracy: From Geophysical Requirements to Mission Scenarios,
Vortrag, GGOS Workshop "Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions", Graz, 30.09.-02.10.2009
Naeimi, M., Flury, J., Müller, J.
Inter Satellite Microwave Ranging Reveals Mass Variability in the Earth System,
Poster, QUEST-Seminar, PTB, Braunschweig, 16.09.2009
Naeimi, M., Müller, J., Flury, J.
Spectral representation of temporal mass changes derived from GRACE,
Vortrag, SPP1257-Workshop Eitorf, 29.6.-1.7.2009
Naeimi, M., Müller, J., Flury, J.
On the spatial pattern of semi-annual signals present in GRACE gravity fields,
Poster, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 21.04.2009
Naeimi, M., Müller, J., Flury, J.
Temporal mass variations in Northern India as observed by GRACE,
Poster, AGU 2009 Joint Assembly, The meeting of the Americas, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 24.-27.5.2009
Sneeuw, N., Flury, J.
The plan for technological developments.,
Vortrag, GGOS Workshop "Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions", Graz, 30.9.-2.10.2009
Flury, J.
High resolution recovery of non-gravitational forces acting on the GRACE satellites,
37th COSPAR Assembly, Montreal
Flury, J.
Moderne Schwerefeldmodellierung: von der Erdsystemforschung bis zur Ingenieurgeodäsie,
Universität Bonn, Jan. 2008
Flury, J., Rummel, R.
On the Geoid-Quasigeoid Separation in Mountain Areas,
AGU Fall Meeting
Flury, J.
High-Resolution Analysis and Modeling of GRACE Accelerometer Observations,
AGU Fall Meeting
Flury, J.
Analy¬sis and Modeling of GRACE Level 1a Accelerometer Observations,
Joint GRACE Science Team Meeting und DFG-SPP1257 Kolloquium Potsdam
Flury, J.
Precise spaceborne accelerometry onboard the GRACE mission,
IUGG General Assembly, Perugia
Flury, J.
High resolution gravity field determination,
Texas A&M, Corpus Christi
Antoni, M. Flury, J.
Hankeltransformationen in der Geodäsie,
Geodetic Week/Intergeo in München (Germany), 10-12 October
Flury, J.
Observation and modelling of the Earth's gravity field: from engineering to Earth science,
University of Calgary
Flury, J., Rummel, R.
GOCE before launch – a mission complementary to GRACE,
AGU Fall Meeting
Flury, J. et al.
Global analysis of mass transport and mass distribution in the Earth system derived from satellite gravity and altimetry data,
Alfred Wegener Symposium, Bremerhaven
Flury, J.
Short wavelength spectral properties of the gravity field,
IAG conference Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, Porto
Flury, J.
Benefits of a precise GOCE geoid for sea ice freeboard determination,
German GOCE-CryoSat Workshop, Friedrichshafen
Flury, J. et al.
Die ESA Schwerefeld¬mission GOCE: Status der Entwicklung und Vorbereitung der wissenschaftlichen Nutzung,
Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, Assembly Jena
Flury, J.
Das GOCE Schwerefeldmodell und seine Integration in die Modellierung von Prozessen in der festen Erde,
Freie Universität Berlin
Flury, J., Rummel, R.
Accuracy estimation of height anomalies – revisited,
EGS/EGU General Assembly, Nice