Publikationen vom Institut für Erdmessung

Bücher, Monografien

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Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel, Bücher, Buchkapitel

Zeige Ergebnisse 81 - 90 von 186


Grotti, J., Koller, S., Vogt, S., Häfner, S., Sterr, U., Lisdat, C., Denker, H., Voigt, C., Timmen, L., Rolland, A., Baynes, F. N., Margolis, H. S., Zampaolo, M., Thoumany, P., Pizzocaro, M., Rauf, B., Bregolin, F., Tampellini, A., Barbieri, P., ... Calonico, D. (2018). Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock. Nature physics, 14(5), 437-441.
Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., & Müller, J. (2018). Contributions to reference systems from Lunar Laser Ranging using the IfE analysis model. Journal of geodesy, 92(9), 975-987.
Hofmann, F., & Müller, J. (2018). Relativistic tests with lunar laser ranging. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 35(3), Artikel 035015.
Iran-Pour, S., Weigelt, M., Amiri-Simkooei, A., & Sneeuw, N. (2018). Impact of groundtrack pattern of a single pair mission on the gravity recovery quality. Geosciences (Switzerland), 8(9), Artikel 315.
Kermarrec, G., Ren, L., & Schön, S. (2018). On filtering ionospheric effects in GPS observations using the Matérn covariance family and its impact on orbit determination of Swarm satellites. GPS Solutions, 22(3), Artikel 66.
Kermarrec, G., & Schön, S. (2018). On modelling GPS phase correlations: a parametric model. Acta geodaetica et geophysica, 53(1), 139-156.
Kube, F., Bischof, C., Alpers, P., Wallat, C., & Schön, S. (2018). A virtual receiver concept and its application to curved aircraft-landing procedures and advanced LEO positioning. GPS solutions, 22(2), Artikel 41.
Leßmann, L., & Müller, J. (2018). Analysis of non-tidal ocean loading for gravitational potential observations in northern Europe. Journal of geodynamics, 119, 23-28.
Mehlstäubler, T. E., Grosche, G., Lisdat, C., Schmidt, P. O., & Denker, H. (2018). Atomic clocks for geodesy. Reports on Progress in Physics, 81(6), Artikel 064401.,
Philipp, D., Wöske, F., Biskupek, L., Hackmann, E., Mai, E., List, M., Lämmerzahl, C., & Rievers, B. (2018). Modeling approaches for precise relativistic orbits: Analytical, Lie-series, and pN approximation. Advances in Space Research, 62(4), 921-934.,

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge

Zeige Ergebnisse 81 - 90 von 134


Hauth, M., Freier, C., Schkolnik, V., Peters, A., Wziontek, H., & Schilling, M. (2014). Atom interferometry for absolute measurements of local gravity. In M. A. Kasevich, & G. M. Tino (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi": Atom Interferometry (S. 557-603). (Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi"; Band 188). IOS Press.
Krawinkel, T., & Schön, S. (2014). Applying Miniaturized Atomic Clocks for Improved Kinematic GNSS Single Point Positioning. In 27th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2014 (S. 2431-2439). Institute of Navigation.
Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Fang, X., & Biskupek, L. (2014). Lunar Laser Ranging: Recent Results based on Refined Modelling. In C. Rizos, & P. Willis (Hrsg.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet (Band 139, S. 447-452). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia). Springer.


Kersten, T., & Schön, S. (2013). Antenna specific IfE-Robot based Code Phase Delays and its Impact on Positioning and Navigation. In 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies: Multi-GNSS Navigation Technologies Galileo's Here (ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing).
Kersten, T., Schön, S., & Weinbach, U. (2013). On the Impact of Group Delay Variations on GNSS Time and Frequency Transfer. In 2012 European Frequency and Time Forum : Proceedings (S. 514-521)
Kube, F., Schön, S., & Feuerle, T. (2013). Improved navigation performance for curved approaches with a virtual receiver. In 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies: Multi-GNSS Navigation Technologies Galileo's Here (ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing).
Margolis, H. S., Godun, R. M., Gill, P., Johnson, L. A. M., Shemar, S. L., Whibberley, P. B., Calonico, D., Levi, F., Lorini, L., Pizzocaro, M., Delva, P., Bize, S., Achkar, J., Denker, H., Timmen, L., Voigt, C., Falke, S., Piester, D., Lisdat, C., ... Merimaa, M. (2013). International Timescales with Optical Clocks (ITOC). In 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium: EFTF/IFC 2013 (S. 908-911). Artikel 6702183 (2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFC 2013).
Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Fang, X., & Biskupek, L. (2013). Lunar laser ranging: Recent results based on refined modelling. In C. Rizos, & P. Willis (Hrsg.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet - IAG General Assembly, Proceedings (S. 447-451). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Band 139). Springer Verlag.
Nicolas, M. L., Kurner, T., Smyrnaios, M., & Schön, S. (2013). Ray tracing multipath modelling in GNSS with a single reflector. In 2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (S. 2261-2265)
Smyrnaios, M., Schon, S., Nicolas, M. L., & Kurner, T. (2013). Ray-Tracing Approach versus Double Difference, Multipath Characterization in a Multiple Ray Scenario. In 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies: Multi-GNSS Navigation Technologies Galileo's Here (ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing).


Zeige Ergebnisse 31 - 32 von 32

Konferenzbeiträge (Paper, Poster, Präsentationen, Kurzfassungen)

Zeige Ergebnisse 81 - 90 von 311


HosseiniArani, S. A., Tennstedt, B., Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Schön, S., & Müller, J. (2021). Kalman-filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Postersitzung präsentiert bei IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
HosseiniArani, S. A., Tennstedt, B., Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Kupriyanov, A., Müller, J., & Schön, S. (2021). Kalman-filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry (CAI) Aaccelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Abstract von Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
Kersten, T., & Paffenholz, J.-A. (2021). Assessment of performance parameters for high-sensitivity receivers for use in multi-sensor integration applications. Geo-monitoring with low-cost, mass-market, and consumer-grade sensors, Kanpur, Indien.
Kersten, T., Kröger, J., Breva, Y., & Schön, S. (2021). On the Role of GNSS Receivers for Antenna Patterns and Parameter Estimations. Abstract von vEGU21: Gather Online. Vorabveröffentlichung online.,
Kersten, T., Breva, Y., Kröger, J., & Schön, S. (2021). The receiver antenna as a bottleneck in GNSS - assessing effects on geodetic parameters. Geo-monitoring with low-cost, mass-market, and consumer-grade sensors, Kanpur, Indien.
Knabe, A., Wu, H., Schilling, M., HosseiniArani, A., Müller, J., Santos, F. P. D., & Beaufils, Q. (2021). Future Satellite Gravity Missions enhanced by Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers. Abstract von EGU General Assembly 2021.
Knabe, A., Wu, H., Schilling, M., HosseiniArani, A., Müller, J., Pereira dos Santos, F., & Beaufils, Q. (2021). Future Satellite Gravity Missions enhanced by Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers.
Knabe, A., Schilling, M., Wu, H., HosseiniArani, S. A., Müller, J., Beaufils, Q., & Dos Santos, F. P. (2021). Improving Satellite Gravity Mission Accelerometers by Cold Atom Interferometry. Frontiers of Geodetic Science.
Knabe, A., Schilling, M., Wu, H., HosseiniArani, S. A., Müller, J., Beaufils, Q., & Dos Santos, F. P. (2021). The Benefit of Accelerometers based on Cold Atom Interferometry for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. IAG 2021, Beijing, China.
Kröger, J., Kersten, T., Breva, Y., & Schön, S. (2021). Impact of Multi-GNSS Antenna-Receiver Calibrations in the Coordinate Domain. Abstract von EGU General Assembly 2021.

Zeitschriftenartikel, Berichte, Preprints

Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 69 von 69

Software, Daten, sonstige Publikationen

  • Sedmik R. I. P., Abele H., Bosine J., Denker H., Jenke T., Micko J., Cranganore S.S., Timmen L., Trauner J. (2022): Weak Equivalence Principle Test with NeutronsDataset: Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)
    DOI: 10.5291/ILL-DATA.3-14-415
  • Singh V.V., Biskupek L. (2022): Dataset: Earth Rotation Parameters from LLR with NPs for timespan 1970 - 2021Forschungsdaten-Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover
    DOI: 10.25835/3h1r07a7
  • Koch I., Duwe M., Flury J., Shabanloui A. (2020): Dataset: LUH-GRACE-FO-2020Data Repository Leibniz University Hannover Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.25835/0062546
  • Meyer U., Lasser M., Jaeggi A., Dahle C., Flechtner F., Kvas A., Behzadpour S., Mayer-Gürr T., Lemoine J.-M., Koch I., Flury J., Bourgogne S. (2020): International Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields (COST-G) Monthly GRACE-FO Series. V. 01GFZ Data Services Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.5880/ICGEM.COST-G.002
  • Kersten T., Schön S. (2019): Dataset: Urban GNSS campaigns from 2015-2017 in Hamburg Groß-Flottbek from SIMULTAN projectData Repositorium Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
    DOI: 10.25835/0050677
  • Kersten T., Schön S. (2019): Dataset: Urban GNSS campaigns from 2015-2017 in Bad Frankenhausen (Thuringia) from SIMULTAN projectData Repositorium Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
    DOI: 10.25835/0084648
  • Koch I., Naeimi M., Flury J., Shabanloui A. (2019): Dataset: LUH-GRACE2018Data Repository Leibniz University Hannover Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.25835/0022864
  • Kröger J., Breva Y., Kersten T., Schön S. (2019): Robot based phase centre corrections for new GNSS signalsData Repository Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
    DOI: 10.25835/0075279
  • Kersten T., Paffenholz J.-A. (2018): Dataset: GNSS mass market and geodetic receiver benchmark studyData Repository Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
    DOI: 10.25835/0034324
  • Kersten T., Schön S. (2018): Dataset: GPS code phase variations (CPV) for GNSS receiver antennasData Repositorium Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz Uiversity IT Service (LUIS)
    DOI: 10.25835/0012492